versuche verzweifelt mein request für mein radio in mein phpnuke einzubauen bekomme aber immer nur eine leere seite.
das hier versuche ich in mein phpnuke einzubinden:
mit der php versuche ich es als modul in phpnuke zu aktivieren:
leider geht das alles nicht
kann mir hier einer helfen??
mfg haufe
versuche verzweifelt mein request für mein radio in mein phpnuke einzubauen bekomme aber immer nur eine leere seite.
das hier versuche ich in mein phpnuke einzubinden:
<? require("config.php"); $where = " WHERE (songtype='S') AND (status=0) "; Def($start,0); Def($limit,50); Def($search,""); //########## BUILD SEARCH STRING ################ if(!empty($search)) { $words = Array(); $temp = explode(' ',$search); reset($temp); while(list($key,$val) = each($temp)) { $val = trim($val); if(!empty($val)) $words[] = $val; } $where2 = ""; reset($words); while(list($key,$val) = each($words)) { if(!empty($where2)) $where2 .= " OR "; $val = "%$val%"; $db->AddStr($val); $db->AddStr($val); $db->AddStr($val); $where2 .= " (title like :val1) OR (artist like :val2) OR (album like :val3) "; } $where .= "AND ($where2) "; } if((isset($letter)) && (!$letter=="")) { $nextletter = chr(ord($letter)+1); if($letter=='0') $where .= " AND NOT((artist>='A') AND (artist<'ZZZZZZZZZZZ')) "; else { $db->AddStr($letter); $db->AddStr($nextletter); $where .= " AND ((artist>=:letter) AND (artist<:nextletter)) "; } } else { $letter=""; } //########## =================== ################ //Calculate total $tmp = $db->params; //Save params for second query $db->open("SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM songlist $where "); $row = $db->row(); $cnt = $row["cnt"]; //Now grab a section of that $db->params = $tmp; //Restore params $db->open("SELECT * FROM songlist $where ORDER BY artist ASC, title ASC", $limit, $start); $first = $start+1; $last = min($cnt,$start+$limit); $rc = $start; $prevlnk = ""; $nextlnk = ""; if($cnt>0) { if(!isset($search)) { $search=""; } $searchstr = urlencode($search); $prev = max(0,$start-$limit); if($start>0) $prevlnk = "<a href='?start=$prev&limit=$limit&letter=$letter&search=$searchstr'><< Previous</a>"; $tmp = ($start+$limit); if($tmp<$cnt) $nextlnk = "<a href='?start=$tmp&limit=$limit&letter=$letter&search=$searchstr'>Next >></a>"; } function PutSongRow($song) { global $rc, $start, $darkrow, $lightrow; $rc++; $bgcolor = $darkrow; if(($rc % 2)==0) $bgcolor = $lightrow; PrepareSong($song); ?> <tr bgcolor="<? echo $bgcolor; ?>"> <td nowrap align="right" width="1%"><font size="2" color="#003366"><small><? echo "$rc"; ?></small></font></td> <td nowrap><font size="2" color="#003366"> <small><? echo $song["combine"]; ?></small></font></td> <td nowrap width="1%"> <p align="center"><font size="2" color="#003366"><a href="<? echo $song["request"]; ?>"><img src="images/request.gif" alt="Request this song now!" border="0"></a></font> </td> <td nowrap width="1%"> <p align="center"><font size="2" color="#003366"><a href="<? echo $song["buycd"]; ?>" target="_blank"><img src="images/buy.gif" alt="Buy this CD now!" border="0"></a></font> </td> <td nowrap width="1%"> <p align="center"><font size="2" color="#003366"><a href="<? echo $song["website"]; ?>" target="_blank"><img src="images/home.gif" alt="Artist homepage" border="0"></a></font> </td> <td nowrap align="center" width="1%"> <font size="2" color="#003366"><a href="javascript:songinfo(<? echo $song["songid"]; ?>)"><img src="images/info.gif" alt="Song information" border="0"></a></font> </td> <td nowrap><font color="#003366" size="2"><small><? echo $song["album"]; ?></small></font></td> <td nowrap> <p align="right"><font color="#003366" size="2"><small><strong><? echo $song["mmss"]; ?></strong></small></font> </td> </tr> <? }//PutSongRow /* ## ===================================================================== ## */ ?> <? require("header.php"); ?> <? require("search.php"); ?> <br> <table border="0" width="98%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4"> <tr bgcolor="#002E5B"> <td colspan="8" nowrap align="left"> <b><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1" color="#FFFFFF">Playlist results</font></b> </td> </tr> <? while($song = $db->row()) PutSongRow($song); ?> <tr bgcolor="#E0E0E0"> <td colspan="8" nowrap align="center"> <? echo "$prevlnk"; ?> ( Showing <? echo "$first to $last of $cnt"; ?> ) <? echo "$nextlnk"; ?></td> </tr> </table> <br> <? require("search.php"); ?> <? require("footer.php"); ?>
<?php if ( !defined('MODULE_FILE') ) { die("You can't access this file directly..."); } //Right blocks to show? Set to TRUE: define('INDEX_FILE', true); include("header.php"); require("config.php"); $index=1; ?> <? require("playlist.php"); ?> <?php include("footer.php"); ?>
leider geht das alles nicht
kann mir hier einer helfen??
mfg haufe