Hallo Leute,
wie der Titel schon ausagt, möchte ich gerne bei generierten Thumbnials transparente runde ecken realisieren. Mir steht GD 2 zur verfügung.
Da ich leider keine Ahnung davon habe, wie ich das in etwa realisieren kann, hoffe ich auf euere unterstützung. Ob das jetzt das richtige Forum ist, weiß ich auch nicht genau.
Hier ist die klasse zum erstellen der Thumbnails (zum jetzigen Status):
Ich habe natürlich google gefragt und auch selbst experimentiert, aber mir fehlt leider jeglicher ansatz, mit dem ich das realisieren könnte.
Ich hoffe ihr versteht mich und bedanke mich bereits im Vorraus.
wie der Titel schon ausagt, möchte ich gerne bei generierten Thumbnials transparente runde ecken realisieren. Mir steht GD 2 zur verfügung.
Da ich leider keine Ahnung davon habe, wie ich das in etwa realisieren kann, hoffe ich auf euere unterstützung. Ob das jetzt das richtige Forum ist, weiß ich auch nicht genau.
Hier ist die klasse zum erstellen der Thumbnails (zum jetzigen Status):
error_reporting( E_ALL | E_STRICT );
class Thumbnail
protected $new_image = 0;
protected $old_image = 0;
protected $old_dimensions = array( );
protected $new_dimensions = array( );
protected $cache_dir = '';
protected $cache_output = true;
protected $border_color = '#000000'; // default black
protected $border_size = 0;
protected $round_corners = 0;
protected $round_corners_color = '#000000';
protected $type = 'gif';
protected $path = ''; // The path to the original image
protected $add_sourceinfo = 0; // Add Sourcefile info (Filename, Source Dimensions and Filesize
protected $filename = '';
** Constructor funktion. It Set some variables
** @param : String $path => The orignal image path to open.
** @param : String $type => The Output type (png,gif,jpeg)
** @global : Int $sdasd => asdasdasd
** return : Void
** access : Public
public function __construct( $path = '', $type = 'source' )
$this->type = ( in_array( strtolower( $type ), array( 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg', 'bmp', 'source' ) ) ) ? strtolower( $type ) : 'source';
$this->path = $path;
if ( ! $this->path || ! file_exists( $this->path ) )
$this->Error( 'You must define the original Image for create an thumbnial' );
return false;
** Function to manipulating the Dimensions of the image, one of the paramter must be given...
** @param : String $path => The orignal image path to open.
** @param : String $type => The Output type (png,gif,jpeg)
** @global : Int $sdasd => asdasdasd
** return : Void
** access : Public
public function SetDimensions( $p = false, $w = false, $h = false )
if ( ! $w && ! $h && ! $p )
$this->Error( 'You must set the dimensions for the image!' );
// Create the New Dimensions with the max parameter (must be given)
$this->new_dimensions = array(
'p' => $p,
'w' => $w,
'h' => $h,
if ( $p && ! $h && ! $w )
$this->_CalculateDimensions( 'p' );
else if ( $w && ! $h && ! $p )
$this->_CalculateDimensions( 'w' );
else if ( $h && ! $w && ! $p )
$this->_CalculateDimensions( 'h' );
else if ( $h && $w && ! $p )
$this->_CalculateDimensions( 'wh' );
public function SetBorder( $size = 1, $color = '#000000' )
$this->border_color = $color;
$this->border_size = (int) $size;
public function SetRoundCorner( $r, $color = true )
$this->round_corners = $r;
$this->round_corners_color = ( $color === true ) ? 'transparent' : $color;
public function SetCache( $path, $filename = false, $output = true )
$this->cache_dir = ( file_exists( $path ) ) ? $path : '';
if ( $filename !== false )
$this->save_name = basename( $filename );
$this->cache_output = $output;
public function Execute( )
if ( ! sizeof( $this->new_dimensions ) || ! sizeof( $this->old_dimensions ) )
$this->Error( 'Cant Create Thumbnial. Dimensions not set!' );
$this->_CreateThumbnial( );
return true;
private function _CreateThumbnial( )
// Ok now we can create the image...
// First get supportet image types
$this->support = $this->_GetSupportedImageTypes( );
// No GD libery, ok so we can do here nothing more. Exit nicely
if ( $this->support[ 'gd_version' ] === false || $this->support[ 'type' ] === false )
// Open Source Image
$this->_ObenSourceImage( );
// Create new Image width the calculated Informations
$gd2 = ( $this->support[ 'gd_version' ] == 2 ) ? true : false;
$this->new_image = ( $gd2 ) ? imagecreatetruecolor( $this->new_dimensions[ 'width' ], $this->new_dimensions[ 'height' ] ) : imagecreate( $this->new_dimensions[ 'width' ], $this->new_dimensions[ 'height' ] );
// Ok now we can copy
$function = ( $gd2 ) ? 'imagecopyresampled' : 'imagecopyresized';
$function( $this->new_image, $this->old_image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->new_dimensions[ 'width' ], $this->new_dimensions[ 'height' ], $this->old_dimensions[ 'width' ], $this->old_dimensions[ 'height' ] );
// Ok the Imahe is now fish
// We can destroy the source image
imagedestroy( $this->old_image );
// Must we add Some Border arround the Image
if ( $this->border_size )
$this->_AddBorder( );
// Must we add some round corners?
if ( $this->round_corners )
$this->_AddRoundCorner( );
// Have we to add the SourceFile Informations?
$this->_Output( );
return true;
private function _AddBorder( )
private function _AddRoundCorner( )
$round = $this->round_corners;
$border = $this->border_size;
$color = imagecolorallocate( $this->new_image, 255, 255, 255 );
for( $i = 0; $i < $round; $i ++ )
{ // x1 y1 x2, y2
imageline( $this->new_image, 0, $i, $i, 0, $color );
private function _Output( )
$type = ( $this->type == 'source' ) ? $this->support[ 'type' ] : $this->type;
$destination_path = ( $this->cache_dir ) ? ( ( $this->filename ) ? $this->filename : md5( basename( $this->path ) ) . '.' . $type ) : '';
switch( $type )
case 'gif' :
// Send Header
if ( ! $this->cache_dir || ( $this->cache_dir && $this->cache_output ) )
header( 'Content-type: image/gif' );
if ( $this->cache_dir )
imagegif( $this->new_image, $destination_path );
if ( ( $this->cache_dir && $this->cache_output ) || ! $this->cache_dir )
imagegif( $this->new_image );
case 'png' :
// Send Header
if ( ! $this->cache_dir || ( $this->cache_dir && $this->cache_output ) )
header( 'Content-type: image/png' );
if ( $this->cache_dir )
imagepng( $this->new_image, $destination_path );
if ( ( $this->cache_dir && $this->cache_output ) || ! $this->cache_dir )
@imagepng( $this->new_image );
case 'jpg' :
// Send Header
if ( ! $this->cache_dir || ( $this->cache_dir && $this->cache_output ) )
header( 'Content-type: image/jpeg' );
if ( $this->cache_dir )
imagejpeg( $this->new_image, $destination_path, 100 );
if ( ( $this->cache_dir && $this->cache_output ) || ! $this->cache_dir )
@imagejpeg( $this->new_image );
case 'bmp' :
// Send Header
if ( ! $this->cache_dir || ( $this->cache_dir && $this->cache_output ) )
header( 'Content-type: image/bmp' );
if ( $this->cache_dir )
imagewbmp( $this->new_image, $destination_path );
if ( ( $this->cache_dir && $this->cache_output ) || ! $this->cache_dir )
imagewbmp( $this->new_image );
// Destroy the thumb from memory
imagedestroy( $this->new_image );
private function _ObenSourceImage( )
switch ( $this->support[ 'type' ] )
case 'gif' :
$this->old_image = @imagecreatefromgif( $this->path );
case 'png' :
$this->old_image = @imagecreatefrompng( $this->path );
case 'jpg' :
$this->old_image = @imagecreatefromjpeg( $this->path );
case 'bmp' :
$this->old_image = @imagecreatefromwbmp( $this->path );
private function Error( $string )
// Ok here we generate an errorimage
$width = strlen( $string ) * 7;
$height = 20;
$img = imagecreate( $width, $height );
// Red Backgrounmd!
imagefill( $img, 0, 0, imagecolorallocate( $img, 229, 34, 34 ) );
// write Text
imagestring( $img, 2, 0, 0, $string, imagecolorallocate( $img, 255, 255, 255 ) );
header( 'Content-type: image/png' );
imagepng( $img );
imagedestroy( $img );
exit( );
private function _GetSupportedImageTypes( )
if ( @extension_loaded( 'gd' ) )
$format = imagetypes( );
$new = '';
switch ( $this->old_dimensions[ 'type' ] )
case 1: // Gif
$new = ( $format & IMG_GIF ) ? 'gif' : false;
// Jpegs
case 2:
case 9:
case 10:
case 11:
case 12:
$new = ( $format & IMG_JPG ) ? 'jpg' : false;
case 3: // PNG
$new = ( $format & IMG_PNG ) ? 'png' : false;
// Bitmap
case 6:
case 15:
$new = ( $format & IMG_WBMP ) ? 'bmp' : false;
// Ok now we check wicth gd version we have
if ( function_exists( 'imagecreatetruecolor' ) )
$version = 2;
$version = 1;
return array(
'gd_version' => $version,
'type' => $new
return array(
'gd_version' => false,
'type' => false
private function _CalculateDimensions( $type )
// First of all we must get the original Image width
$this->old_dimensions = getimagesize( $this->path );
if ( $this->old_dimensions === false )
$this->Error( 'Unable to get the imagesizes from the source image' );
$this->old_dimensions = array(
'width' => $this->old_dimensions[ 0 ],
'height' => $this->old_dimensions[ 1 ],
'type' => $this->old_dimensions[ 2 ],
switch( $type )
case 'p':
if ( $this->old_dimensions[ 'width' ] > $this->old_dimensions[ 'height' ] )
$this->new_dimensions += array(
'width' => round( $this->old_dimensions[ 'width' ] * ( $this->new_dimensions[ 'p' ] / $this->old_dimensions[ 'width' ] ) ),
'height' => round( $this->old_dimensions[ 'height' ] * ( $this->new_dimensions[ 'p' ] / $this->old_dimensions[ 'width' ] ) )
$this->new_dimensions += array(
'width' => round( $this->old_dimensions[ 'width' ] * ( $this->new_dimensions[ 'p' ] / $this->old_dimensions[ 'height' ] ) ),
'height' => round( $this->old_dimensions[ 'height' ] * ( $this->new_dimensions[ 'p' ] / $this->old_dimensions[ 'height' ] ) )
case 'w':
$this->new_dimensions += array(
'width' => round( $this->new_dimensions[ 'w' ] ),
'height' => round( ( $this->old_dimensions[ 'height' ] * $this->new_dimensions[ 'w' ] ) / $this->old_dimensions[ 'width' ] ),
case 'h':
$this->new_dimensions += array(
'width' => round( ( $this->old_dimensions[ 'width' ] * $this->new_dimensions[ 'h' ] ) / $this->old_dimensions[ 'height' ] ),
'height' => round( $this->new_dimensions[ 'h' ] ),
case 'wh':
$this->new_dimensions += array(
'width' => round( $this->new_dimensions[ 'w' ] ),
'height' => round( $this->new_dimensions[ 'h' ] ),
$this->Error( 'Unknow calculation mode' );
$thumb = new Thumbnail( './charts-arena.de/charts/0a4b0ae1745849945095d2b00fdc51e2.jpg', 'gif' );
$thumb->SetDimensions( 150 );
$thumb->SetRoundCorner( 35, true );
Ich hoffe ihr versteht mich und bedanke mich bereits im Vorraus.