Hab folgenden PHP-Code:
tpl-File body-tag:
Aber die HTML-File wird nicht korrekt gefüllt. Ausgabe-Quelltext:
Kann mir jemand sagen, wieso das nicht geht (vor allem weil es ein Beispiel-Code von KTemplate ist... )??
Danke, Neo2k3
<?php include ("./../inc/class_ktemplate.inc.php"); $t = new KTemplate("./../tpl/welcome.tpl"); $t->assign("hallo", "bla"); $t_table = $t->fetchBlock("table"); $t_row = $t_table->fetchBlock("row"); $t_col = $t_row->fetchBlock("col"); // build a table with 5 rows and 5 columns for ($row = 1; $row <= 5; $row++) { for ($col = 1; $col <= 5; $col++) { // assign a string to the column placeholder object instance $t_col->assign("cellcontent",$col); // put column object instance into row object $t_row->assign("col",$t_col); $t_col->reset(); } // put row into table $t_table->assign("row",$t_row); $t_row->reset(); } // put the complete table object into the main template $t->assign("table",$t_table); // print the results $t->out(); ?>
<table border="1"> <tr> <td> {cellcontent} </td> </tr> </table>
bla <table border="1"> <tr>{col}</tr> <tr>{col}</tr> <tr>{col}</tr> <tr>{col}</tr> <tr>{col}</tr> </table>
Danke, Neo2k3