ich habe folgendes Problem:
Ich habe einen Array, bei dem ich aber keine Ahnung habe, wie ich den jetzt in ein schön formatierten HTML text umwandeln kann.
Mit open_r($data); wird mir im HTML Quelltext der Array folgendermaßen angezeigt:
Was ich am Ende im Browser Angezeigt haben möchte wäre z.B. sowas:
5 Punkte the best to understand cities now and then
this book, published for the first time in 1978, ask the main principle of the modern mouvement. Rowe and Koetter write about the opposition of the concept of "tabula rasa and an urban tradition taken from the historical memory and progressive sedimentation of the cities. "Collage" is a possible assimilation of the two different problematic, in the way that it's take past and future in a complex present.
1 Punkt Pompous garbage
This book is the most pompous garbage I have ever seen. It is unreadable drivel that has no point and adds nothing to the search for solutions to our urban problems. What were the authors thinking? They deserve the "Emperor has no clothes" award for this trash. Save your money and buy "A Pattern Language," "Edge City," "Changing Places," "Home from Nowhere," or any of many meaningful books that say something relevant.
5 Punkte Most Important Book on Urban Design Theory
Colin Rowe proposes a form of inclusive urbanism that meshes the modern city with the traditional city.
Natürlich kann es aber auch mehr Datensätze geben.
Irgenwie müsste es doch so aussehen, nur ist das $array sicherlich falsch?!
Kann mir da jemand bitte helfen
vorab schonmal danke,
ich habe folgendes Problem:
Ich habe einen Array, bei dem ich aber keine Ahnung habe, wie ich den jetzt in ein schön formatierten HTML text umwandeln kann.
Mit open_r($data); wird mir im HTML Quelltext der Array folgendermaßen angezeigt:
Array ( [0] => amazonrezensionen Object ( [Rating] => 5 [Summary] => the best to understand cities now and then [Comment] => this book, published for the first time in 1978, ask the main principle of the modern mouvement. Rowe and Koetter write about the opposition of the concept of "tabula rasa and an urban tradition taken from the historical memory and progressive sedimentation of the cities. "Collage" is a possible assimilation of the two different problematic, in the way that it's take past and future in a complex present. ) [1] => amazonrezensionen Object ( [Rating] => 1 [Summary] => Pompous garbage [Comment] => This book is the most pompous garbage I have ever seen. It is unreadable drivel that has no point and adds nothing to the search for solutions to our urban problems. What were the authors thinking? They deserve the "Emperor has no clothes" award for this trash. Save your money and buy "A Pattern Language," "Edge City," "Changing Places," "Home from Nowhere," or any of many meaningful books that say something relevant. ) [2] => amazonrezensionen Object ( [Rating] => 5 [Summary] => Most Important Book on Urban Design Theory Today [Comment] => Colin Rowe proposes a form of inclusive urbanism that meshes the modern city with the traditional city. ) )
5 Punkte the best to understand cities now and then
this book, published for the first time in 1978, ask the main principle of the modern mouvement. Rowe and Koetter write about the opposition of the concept of "tabula rasa and an urban tradition taken from the historical memory and progressive sedimentation of the cities. "Collage" is a possible assimilation of the two different problematic, in the way that it's take past and future in a complex present.
1 Punkt Pompous garbage
This book is the most pompous garbage I have ever seen. It is unreadable drivel that has no point and adds nothing to the search for solutions to our urban problems. What were the authors thinking? They deserve the "Emperor has no clothes" award for this trash. Save your money and buy "A Pattern Language," "Edge City," "Changing Places," "Home from Nowhere," or any of many meaningful books that say something relevant.
5 Punkte Most Important Book on Urban Design Theory
Colin Rowe proposes a form of inclusive urbanism that meshes the modern city with the traditional city.
Natürlich kann es aber auch mehr Datensätze geben.
Irgenwie müsste es doch so aussehen, nur ist das $array sicherlich falsch?!
while ($array < 10) {
echo "$Rating Punkte",
echo "$Rating Punkte",
vorab schonmal danke,