Habe folgende PHP Klasse:
Hier das passende RCon Protocol:
Klasse anlegen, Verbindung aufbauen und auch Commandos zu senden bekomme ich hin.
Bloß habe ich Probleme damit Server-Informationen (gespielte Map, Anzahl der Spieler etc.) auszulesen.
Hat jm. vll. einen Tipp was ich hier:
für $data einsetzen muss???
Vll. hat jm. einen passenden Tipp für mich!
Vielen Dank schonmal!
class BFBC2{
function BFBC2(){
$this->seqNum = 0;
$this->stopError = false;
function unpack($data){
$decode = unpack('I', $data);
return $decode[1];
//Send Request to Server
function Request($sequence, $words){
$words = explode(' ', $words);
$header = pack('I', $sequence & 0x3fffffff);
$numWords = pack('I', count($words));
//Encode Words
$size = 0;
$encodedWords = '';
foreach($words as $word){
$encodedWords .= pack('I', strlen($word));
$encodedWords .= $word;
$encodedWords .= "\x00";
$size += strlen($word) + 5;
$words = array($size, $encodedWords);
list($wordsSize, $eWords) = $words;
$eSize = pack('I', ($wordsSize + 12));
return $header . $eSize . $numWords . $eWords;
//Response from Server
function Response($data){
$header = unpack('I', $data);
list($fromServer, $isResponse, $sequence) = array($header & 0x80000000, $header & 0x40000000, $header & 0x3fffffff);
$wordSize = $this->unpack(substr($data, 4, 4)) - 12;
//Decode Words
$data2 = substr($data, 12);
$numWords = $this->unpack($data2);
$offset = 0;
while($offset < $wordSize){
$wordLen = $this->unpack(substr($data2, $offset, 4));
$word = substr($data2, $offset+4, $wordLen);
$words[] = $word;
$offset += $wordLen + 5;
return array($fromServer, $isResponse, $sequence, $words);
//Connect to Server
function Connect($host, $port, $pw=''){
$this->host = $host;
$this->socket = @fsockopen('tcp://'.$host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 1);
if($this->socket != false){
socket_set_timeout($this->socket, 0, 500000);
//Connect Admin
$response = $this->Command('login.plainText '.$pw);
if($response[0] == 'InvalidPassword'){$this->stopError = 'Invalid Password Specified';}
elseif($response[0] == 'OK'){}
$this->stopError = 'Unable to Connect to Server';
//Disconnect from Server
function Disconnect(){
// Send Command
function Command($cmd){
if($this->stopError){return false;}
fwrite($this->socket, $this->Request($this->seqNum, $cmd));
//list($fromServer, $isResponse, $seq, $words) = $this->Response(fread($this->socket, 4096));
$response = $this->Response(fread($this->socket, 4096));
if($response[3] == 'LogInRequired'){return 'RCON Password Required';}
else{return $response[3];}
Klasse anlegen, Verbindung aufbauen und auch Commandos zu senden bekomme ich hin.
Bloß habe ich Probleme damit Server-Informationen (gespielte Map, Anzahl der Spieler etc.) auszulesen.
Hat jm. vll. einen Tipp was ich hier:
function Response($data){
Vll. hat jm. einen passenden Tipp für mich!
Vielen Dank schonmal!
